Monday 30 September 2013

Haywire scene analysis

1.      Blue reflection on the car window.
·        Camera – Close-up of characters’ face and shoulders.
·        Lighting – Blue reflections are connotations of calm, coldness or sadness.
·        Editing – Slightly slower cuts.
·        Mise-en-scene – Tree reflection in the window…isolated location?
·        Sound – Non diegetic instrumental, ominous feel, isolated.
2.      Broken glass on the floor and close up of a dead body.
·        Camera – Worms eye view/close-up. Shallow depth of field drawing attention to the glass and the body, concealing identities. Dutch angle when the female character is in the bathroom, showing that she may be the murderer or have something to hide.
·        Lighting – Low key, yellow tint with connotations of happiness.
·        Editing – Parallel editing, showing that the two scenes are happening at the same time.
·        Mise-en-scene – Female character is shown having a shower, possibly cleaning the evidence from her crime. Clothes and a women’s shoe on the floor, showing that she may be a dangerous female/femme fatale. Close-up on the male’s phone (Blackberry), showing the male could be a businessman. Female character has a cut on her thumb, linking back to the male’s murder. She is wearing a hat, concealing her identity.
·        Sound – Non diegetic, long drawn out notes.
3.      Woman phones man and he answers phone.
·        Camera – High angle then low angle, showing his lack of power and then his rise to power once answering the phone. Backwards tracking.
·        Lighting – Half of his face is in shadow, showing that he may be untrustworthy.
·        Editing – Straight cuts, parallel editing.
·        Mise-en-scene – Male is wearing formal clothes, showing he may be wealthy or in a position of power.
·        Sound – Non diegetic music, diegetic speech
4.      House.
·        Camera – Low camera angle, showing the importance of the house.
·        Lighting – Low key lighting. The house is well lit. The characters identity is initially slightly concealed by light. House is well lit inside, showing that it may be a safe place.
·        Editing – Straight cuts.
·        Mise-en-scene – No other light sources, showing the location could be isolated.
·        Sound – Non-diegetic instrumental music. Diegetic phone ringing.
5.      Woman walking down the street.
·        Camera – Tracking shot in front and behind her. Point of view shot. Tracking from behind, allowing the viewer to feel like they are following her, feeling more involved in the storyline.
·        Lighting – Even outdoors, the lighting is still fairly low key.
·        Editing – Straight cuts, sense of realism.
·        Mise-en-scene – Clothing disguises her face and she blends in with her surroundings. Location is in a foreign country as the car licence plates are reversed.
·        Sound – Diegetic bleeping noise, making the viewer aware of the danger, that she is being followed.

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