Wednesday 20 November 2013

Short reflective analysis - 265 words

In groups we were given the task to each make a short film based on either the horror genre or film noir genre. My group was given the film noir genre.
After researching the genre in more depth we discussed our ideas for the film and made a storyboard including camera angles, shot type, mise-en-scene, lighting, editing, sound and action of the characters. We found this easier when it came to shooting as we had a clearer idea of what we wanted to achieve, in addition to being able to change small features to improve the film.
Within the group we each assigned ourselves with different job roles including actors, editors and camera operators. My main role was to film the shots. We found this easier as we each knew what was expected of us, which saved time when it came to shooting and editing. A criticism is that we spent too long planning the story and not enough time shooting, which would be improved if we were to make the film again.
Our film contained some compositionally good shots, including a shot where the femme fatale character  is walking down a set of stairs with a shadow of her silhouette projected onto the wall. We aimed to include many features of film noir mise-en-scene, including spiral stairs, low key lighting, shadows and the classic love/murder narrative.
In conclusion, our film had some good feedback and contained compositionally correct shots. If we were to make the film again then we would spend less time planning the story and more time shooting the scenes and editing.

Sarah Davis

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